


The University of Dallas provides training for faculty, staff, 和 students regarding its civil rights policies, including its policies relating to sexual harassment 和 性暴力. The University provides additional training to those employees who are directly involved in the civil rights investigation 和 disciplinary processes.


All new students are required to participate in an online program on civil rights 和 性暴力 before they start at the University or during their first semester. They are also 提供 一个补充 床单。 包含 additional information about the University's policies, procedures, 和 resources.

  • 公民权利 和 性暴力 Program (幻灯片)
  • 公民权利 和 性暴力 Program (讲义)

 In addition to the online program on civil rights 和 性暴力, freshmen undergraduates attended an in-person presentation about the 第九条 和 公民权利 Office.

学生 also serve in various leadership as well as employees of the University in different capacities. Additional training for these students was provided in person regarding the 公民权利 和 第九条 policies, as well as reporting obligations.

The University also provides additional information 和 resources for students.

  • Office of 公民权利 和 第九条 (网页)
  • 性暴力 和 Sexual Misconduct (网页)
  • Student Disability 服务 (网页)
  • 性暴力 Information Pamphlet (pdf版本)


All student-athletes are required to participate in annual 性暴力 training, which is generally conducted in person using 幻灯片. The student-athletes are also 提供 一个补充 床单。 包含 additional information about the University's policies, procedures, 和 resources.

  • Student-Athlete NCAA training 2020 (讲义)
  • Athletic Staff training (讲义)
  • Student-Athlete NCAA training 2021 (幻灯片)
  • Student-Athlete training 2023 (幻灯片)


All employees are required to participate in online training at the commencement of their employment at the University.

In addition, all employees are required to participate in annual online training on civil rights 和 性暴力 issues.

During the Spring of 2021, all employees participated in a m和atory in-person or online 公民权利 和 第九条 training hosted by the Office of the General Counsel 和 the Office of 公民权利 和 第九条 training.

  • All employee 公民权利 Overview 和 Reporting Obligations (幻灯片)
  • New employee 公民权利 Overview 和 Reporting Obligations Fall 2021 (幻灯片)
  • 2022年教师日(幻灯片)
  • New 教师 2022 Training (幻灯片)
  • 2023新学院(幻灯片)

公民权利 Coordinators & 民权池

The official training materials used for formal training of all civil rights coordinators 和 members of the civil rights pool (investigators, hearing officers, appeal officers, 和 advisors) are developed internally.

  • 公民权利 Policy - Team Training (August 2020) (幻灯片)
  • 公民权利 Policy - Workshop (August 2020) (幻灯片)
  • 民权池 Training  ( November  2021 -Sessions 1 & 2) (幻灯片)
  • 民权池 Training ( February- 2022  Sessions 2 & 4) (幻灯片)
  • CIvil Rights Pool Training (November 2022) (幻灯片)


In addition, civil rights coordinators 和 the members of the civil rights pool are encouraged to view outside sources, such as those available on the Continuing Education Resources 网页 和 the training available from ATIXA.


The 公民权利 Coordinator has completed the following trainings with ATIXA:

第九条 Coordinator & Administration Level Two Certification 01/28/2022 1.4 01/28/2028 活跃的  
公民权利 Investigator Level Four Certification 01/26/2022 1.4 01/26/2028 活跃的  
DEI Practitioner One 05/25/2022 2.4 05/25/2024 活跃的  
第九条 Coordinator & Administrator Level One Certification 11/20/2020 4.9 11/19/2026 活跃的  


The 公民权利 Coordinator has also completed 和 distributed the folllowing trainings to the CIvil RIghts Pool:
